Thursday, October 21

Open Source HardWares

Ya.. We have all heard of open source software which produces many popular programs, but have you ever heard of open source hardware? Basically the premise is exactly the same as open source software– the specs for building the hardware are freely available for you to do anything with.

The following are the open source projects available to public use.
  1. Neuros OSD an open source digital video recorder.
  2.  Ben NanoNote - hand held notebook computer based on a MIPS processor running Linux.
  3. The RepRap Project: An open source, 3D printer/fabber 
  4. e-puck mobile robot, an open-hardware, education oriented, mobile robot.
  5. VIA OpenBook - a netbook case design released by VIA Technologies
  6. OpenSPARC is an open-source processor project to which Sun Microsystems have contributed the UltraSPARC T1 and UltraSPARC T2 multicore processor designs.
  7. PC532 - a personal computer design based on the NS32532 microprocessor, released in 1990.

    In this Arduino  is one of  open source electronics platform. It helps to create interactive objects for any one. For more about Arduino please visit They provides many more to users.

    I regularly update contents about it.. Please don't forget to visit.

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